Art! ♫

Commission Info & Pricing ✦

Status: Open

Slots (3/5) | Animation (1/2)

(Animation slots also take up regular slots!)

Additional Notes

* Simple BGs are free; Complex ones start at $30 (please discuss)
* Extra sketch/colored characters are priced according to the original price; while rendered extra characters have $5 taken off the respective prices
* As of now, I won't be animating rendered hair,,, I'm very sorry. I haven't figured it out either.
* Rush fees are available (please contact me for more details).

Terms and Conditions ◆

Please read before commissioning!

Can draw:
► OC/Fanart/Sona
► Ship art
► Mild gore
► Kemonomimi

Will not draw:
✖ Hateful content
✖ Heavy gore
✖ Complex Mecha

Please provide visual references, especially for OCs/Sonas!

● Process

▪️ A rough sketch will be sent a few days after payment, during which major revisions can be made. Only minor revisions are allowed past this stage without a fee.
▪️ After agreement, one more update will be provided for colors (if applicable), then work will continue until it is finalized. Additional updates can be provided if requested.
  ▪️ For animation commissions, I will update you for every part of the process. (base illustration; rough animation; finished animation)
▪️ Illustration commissions are expected to take in 1 - 3 weeks after the initial payment; while Animation commissions usually takes 2 - 6 weeks.
▪️ Once fully finished and paid, I will send the final artwork through email unless requested otherwise.

● Usage

▪️ I reserve the right to decline a commission.
▪ I reserve the rights over the commissioned artwork - the commissioned artwork cannot be used for commercial purposes. (Profile pictures, wallpapers, personal prints / merch are fine, but they cannot be sold on ANY circumstances without express permission from me - If you wish to commission commercial work, please contact directly to discuss further.)
▪️ I reserve the right to display the commissioned piece on my website(s), online galleries,
and portfolios.
▪️ Clients are not permitted, under any circumstances, to use any part of their commissioned artwork for any NFT or cryptocurrency related activites/projects.

● Payment

▪️ Payment is 50% upfront, 50% upon completion (including animation prices, if applicable).
▪️ Payments are done through Paypal (I will send you an invoice).
▪️ Payments are non-refundable, unless I am unable to complete the commission in the allotted time or I cancel the commission myself.

If you are unsure about anything, please do not hesitate to contact me through DMs or email!